Here is a detailed list of the upcoming events at River City Church.
For a quick look, check out the calendar of events on our home page.
For a quick look, check out the calendar of events on our home page.
Baptism Class/After Service - Sunday, March 1
Our next baptism service will be Sunday, March 8. If you are interested in being baptized, please attend our baptism class on Sunday, March 1 following the morning service. Meeting will be held in the Nora House and will run about 45 minutes. Contact Bobby at 998-2300 if interested in signing up.
Our next baptism service will be Sunday, March 8. If you are interested in being baptized, please attend our baptism class on Sunday, March 1 following the morning service. Meeting will be held in the Nora House and will run about 45 minutes. Contact Bobby at 998-2300 if interested in signing up.
Potluck/After Service - Sunday, March 8
Join us after service on Sunday, March 8 for lunch and conversation. Just like our Soup After Service event, but different. Bring any kind of food to share...desserts, salads, casseroles, make it, we'll eat it. We love our monthly after service get-togethers and look forward to food and fellowship!
Join us after service on Sunday, March 8 for lunch and conversation. Just like our Soup After Service event, but different. Bring any kind of food to share...desserts, salads, casseroles, make it, we'll eat it. We love our monthly after service get-togethers and look forward to food and fellowship!
Ministry Fair/During Serivce - Sunday, March 15
Come explore the many areas in which you can serve! All ministries will have tables set up in the sanctuary and ready to answer any questions you may have . If you’re looking for an opportunity to get more involved in the Church, you DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS SERVICE!
Come explore the many areas in which you can serve! All ministries will have tables set up in the sanctuary and ready to answer any questions you may have . If you’re looking for an opportunity to get more involved in the Church, you DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS SERVICE!
Anna Ogden Hall/Monthly Serve Opportunity - March 18
Our monthly outreach at Anna Ogden Hall is the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Our next serve night is Wednesday, March 18. All ages are welcome! If you would like more info or would like to get on the serve list, contact Liz and Gary at 710-6234 or text SERVE to 761-6010.
Our monthly outreach at Anna Ogden Hall is the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Our next serve night is Wednesday, March 18. All ages are welcome! If you would like more info or would like to get on the serve list, contact Liz and Gary at 710-6234 or text SERVE to 761-6010.