To build relationships with the people of this world in order to share the life,
death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.
death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.
Gathered to grow and equipped to go!
Gathered to Grow
Each week we come together for corporate worship. This venue encourages us to grow through nourishment, training, and accountability. We believe that the systematic teaching of God's word transforms lives. Pastors and trained leaders teach and equip others for the work of the ministry. As God's people live life together in community and experience personal growth, the influence of the Church expands. (Ephesians 4:11-13) |
Equipped to Go
We believe that the church is part of God's plan for a broken world. Our goal is that the members of River City Church would participate in God's mission of reconciliation wherever God has placed them. We demonstrate the love of Christ by building authentic relationships with unbelievers, sharing the gospel (one-on-one or through bringing to church), and walking with them as they seek to grow in faith. (Matthew 28:18-20) |
God's plan to redeem the world includes a meaningful role for His people. As the church gathered to grow and equipped to go, we seek to be faithful to that calling. By His blood, Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the misery of sin and death. Now He sends us out into a lost and perishing world to share the hope of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17-20, John 3:16, 14:26)