Outreach Opportunities
Anna Ogden Hall Serve Nights: Monthly serve opportunity the 3rd Wednesday evening each month at Anna Ogden Hall. Prepare and serve dinner and visit with the residents of Anna Ogden Hall. All ages of volunteers welcomed and encouraged. Contact Liz and Gary Ferguson at 509-710-6234 to sign-up or get more details. Or text SERVE to 509-761-6010 and you will be contacted.
Men's Ministries
Men's Bible Study: Wednesdays at Noon in the Nora House. Join at anytime. No need to signup.
Women's Ministries
Women's Bible Study: Currently no women's bible studies.
Student Ministries (6th through 12th Grade)
Jr. High and Sr. High Mid-Week Youth Group - Meets every Wednesday from 6 to 7:30 PM in the Nora House. For grades 6th through 12th.
SR High Sunday Youth - Meets the 1st Sunday of each month during the morning worship service.
JR High Sunday Youth - Meets the 3rd Sunday of each month during the morning worship service.
If you have additional questions about the happenings at River City, please feel free to contact us via the contact page above.
If you have additional questions about the happenings at River City, please feel free to contact us via the contact page above.